
Invitation to TJC Concert & Graduation 2023/2024

Dear Parents,

The countdown has begun!

In under 2 weeks, we’ll be celebrating at our 2023/ 2024 Concert and Graduation. You and your family are cordially invited to our upcoming Concert & Graduation (invite attached). Please feel free to extend this invitation to friends or families with young children who would like to know more about Tadika Juara Cerdik.

Important Information:
* Replacement Holiday: Please note that TJC will have a replacement holiday on Monday, October 30, 2023, following the event. Classes will resume on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.
* Parking: Parking is available inside Dream Centre and on the road outside. Alternative parking options are available at Jaya 33 or Symphony Square. Access to DUMC can be made through connecting doors outside the carpark from both buildings.
* Drop-Off Time: Children should arrive at school between 7:45 am and 8:00 am (at the latest). Please drop your child off at the Canopy area in TJC where teachers will be on duty.
* Breakfast: A simple breakfast will be provided at the Hangar, DUMC (Block A) from 7:45 am to 8:30 am.
* Seating: The auditorium doors will be opened for seating at approximately 8:20 am.

We (including the children) look forward to celebrating this special event with you and your family.

TJC Management

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